Thursday, July 01, 2010

Spring Batch in action went in MEAP

I'm pleased to announce that the book "Spring Batch in action" went in MEAP yesterday. You can read it at the following address:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Salon Linux in Paris

I'll be present at the Salon Linux 2009 in Paris on April, the 1st and 2nd with my company Argia-Engineering in order to describe and show our service platform Faascape.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blogging again!

After a long time without blogging, I decided to start over. In the meantime, I renamed the blog in order to better describe the subjects of articles. These subjects will be now a bit more extensive and will cover the following:
  • Spring technologies and projects,
  • OSGi related technologies and projects,
  • Web2 and JavaScript technlogies,
  • Modeling and model driven technologies.
With this blog, I will do my utmost to point out interesting aspects of these technologies!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Access CICS with Spring

Here is an article I have made to explain and show how to access CICS transactions and programs with the Spring JCA support.

This article is published by JavaWorld at the following url:
Access CICS applications with Spring